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Dream Life in Paris

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How to hem pants with sewing machines for beginners. Flared pants can be one thing we easily put aside. You know those brand new pants that have been sitting around since last season because they’re too long and you haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to hem them without completely ruining them. A symptom of those born short. Oh the inconvenience of it all.

Do not worry! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to hem pants with a sewing machine using a blind hem stitch. Most of you will have this stitch, but you won’t even realize what it is for. You might have thought it was just a decorative stitch. And the foot… yes, it might be one of those sitting in your collection and you have no idea what it actually does. Honestly, you can definitely do a blind stitch with a standard sewing machine foot; you’ll just have to create your own guide point.

And while you can always take your pants to a tailor and have them made, it’s quite simple and much more affordable to hem your own pants at home. Whether you’re a complete beginner or a casual sewer who needs some hemming advice, follow Amanda’s tutorial to ensure you get it right. And while you’re at it, brush up on your other skills by checking out Amanda’s tutorial on threading a needle and sewing a button by hand.



  • Pin your pants to the ideal length.

How to hem pants with sewing machines for beginners. When hemming something, it goes without saying that the owner of the item should be wearing it (with a pair of shoes) to get the desired length. Never believe people who simply say “hem is 2” or “my inseam is 30” inches. Always let them try the pants on before you pin them on. Ask the wearer to remove his pants. Check that the amount of hem is the same on both legs. Minor adjustments are fine here. If you want, you can have the wearer try them on again before continuing.

  • Measure the new hem

What should be the width of the new hem? If you are hemming jeans, the standard hem is 1/2”. Turn the pants inside out. For a 1” hem, use a tape measure or hem gauge and measure 2” above the pinned fold line. To sew a 1/2” wide hem on jeans, measure only above the bend. Mark the cut line on the inside of the pants with a pencil or tailor’s chalk.

  • Cut off the excess fabric

Turn the pants right side out again and use good quality sewing scissors to cut off the excess leg fabric along the line you marked. Read on for my favorite sewing scissors and shears.

  • Press New Border

Turn the pants inside out again and take them to the ironing board. Turn the bottom edge inward or 1/2” for jeans) and press. Measure so your hem is straight. Carefully press the new trim. Measure with a tape measure to make sure you have a straight hem. Carefully press down on the new bar.


How to hem pants with sewing machines for beginners. Hand hemming is ideal for dress pants because you can sew the hem without the stitches showing on the outside of the pants. It’s the best way. Thread the needle with polyester thread that matches the pants. Polyester thread is strong and will stretch even the tiniest bit, making it great for sewing garments. Here are my tips for choosing a thread.

With the pants still inside out, find one of the side seams and secure the thread to the side seam just above the folded edge of the hem. When the thread is secured, put the needle through the fold on the hem and make a nice big stitch (about 1/2” or 1 cm) and pass the needle under the pressed edge. Then make a tiny stitch on the leg that catches just a few threads. Repeat and make a large stitch across the folded edge of the hem, then a small stitch on the leg.

Be careful not to over-tighten the thread as it may wrinkle. If you want to work a little faster, you can take a large stitch on the fold and then a small stitch on the leg before pulling the needle and thread through. Hand stitch until you reach the side seam where you started. Secure the hem by making several stitches in the same place, being careful not to have any large stitches on the outside of the pants.

Using a sewing machine, sew the hem close to the folded edge. Almost every sewing machine today has a free arm (sometimes it is necessary to remove the table). With the panties still inside out, wrap the leg around the free arm of the sewing machine. Set it to straight stitch, medium stitch length. If you use a sewing machine to hem your pants, it takes less than a minute to sew.


  • Measure for someone else. Let him wear that garment. They should stand on a step stool or raised surface to help you estimate the length. Ask the person how high they would like the new hem to be. Fold it on the outside, don’t tuck it into your leg, and ask them to confirm the length. The wearer can now take off his pants and give them to you.
  • Measure yourself. You can roll the trousers to the desired length with one fold. Make sure you are standing straight when pulling out the pleat to make sure it sits at the correct length. Now you can delete them.
  • Compare with another pair of pants. If you have pants that fit perfectly, use this pair as a model for those pants. Lay out the pants you plan to them, and then lay your ideal pants right on top of them. This should show you the excess pants that you need to remove.
  • Mark the length. Mark a piece of chalk where you want to hem. Make sure the pants are unfolded and make a distinct mark on each leg. Measure from the line you made earlier, measure and mark three lines at 1/2 inch intervals.
  • Measure by ironing. Once you’ve decided on the length, fold the pants to the desired hem. Iron the fold of the desired pleat. Take a piece of chalk or a pencil and mark the halfway mark. This is half the distance between the edge of the bend and the bend. Unfold the leg and mark the crease if necessary. The ironed fold should be prominent enough to be seen.
  • Pull yourself out of your pants and turn them inside out. Grab a ruler and measure the distance from the edge of the pants to the desired hem. Compare whether the measurements of both legs are the same.
  • Iron the edges well to create a sharp crease. This will guide you when hemming the pants. Wear the pants again to make sure you are doing the correct bottom line before moving on to the next step.
  • Tuck the ironed part of the hem inside. Do this until half an inch of the cuff protrudes from the fold. Remove the old pins and pin the new pleat in place. Then lightly iron the crease in place again.
  • Now, if you don’t have a sewing machine at home, you can do the last step by hand using a basic slip stitch (also known as a ladder stitch or blind stitch) or a blind hem stitch.

How to hem pants with sewing machines for beginners .If you have a sewing machine, hemming your own pants is easy.

  • Gather your materials. You will need pants, a seam ripper, straight pins, an iron and ironing board, a tape measure or ruler, scissors, a sewing machine, and thread in the same color as your pants.
  • Remove the original border. Depending on the length and thickness of the original pants, you may need to remove the original hem. Use a seam ripper to pull out all the seams, then unfold the pants and iron them flat.
  • Fold and pin. Turn the pants inside out. Fold each leg to desired length. Hold the pleat in place by inserting straight pins along the top of the pleat, parallel to the new hem. At this point, you can try the pants on to make sure they are the right length. Make adjustments if needed.
  • Iron and hem. Iron the folded hem on each leg to create a gather. Once you have the crease, you can remove the pins and unfold the pants. Using scissors and a tape measure or ruler, trims the pants, leaving an extra inch of fabric under the fold. Fold and pin again. Starting with the raw edge of the leg opening, fold it over half an inch and iron as before. To prevent the raw edge of the pants from fraying, fold them over another half inch. Iron once more and pin.
  • Fill the spool and top spool with thread that matches your pants. Sew a medium length straight stitch around the leg opening a quarter inch from the top edge of the hem. Take out the pins as you sew.
  • Iron again. Iron the pants one more time to keep the crease in place. Turn them right side out.


How to hem pants with sewing machines for beginners .Using your sewing machine for hemming can speed up the process and look professional when it comes to the finishing touches. Ideally, you’ll want your hem to be as noticeable as possible, and if the garment you’re hemming is made from a sheer material, it’s even more important that your hem is as close to invisible as possible. In short, this means making a blind hem, where tiny catch stitches will be used to secure the hem. This is the most important part of the process because if your hem is not properly prepared, the results can be less than stellar. You will need to determine the position of the hem, and for pants with a hem, you should choose a length that is equal to the bottom of the heel of the shoe or shoe that will be worn with the pants.

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Dream Life in Paris

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