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Dream Life in Paris

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Fur coats may seem difficult to put together, but it’s a lot easier than you might imagine. You can sew real fur with a sewing machine for fur, but you will need some special tools, supplies, and techniques. Sewing fur can be a difficult and time-consuming process due to the particular difficulties that the material presents. For example, standard sewing machines usually lack the power needed to pierce fur fabric. In addition, tiny fur hairs sometimes become tangled in the machine and disrupt the sewing patterns.


  • Safety is critical

Before sewing the fur on sewing machine for fur, you need a large enough clean area to lay it down and trim it. To ensure safe use of the fur, it is also best to clean it thoroughly beforehand.

  • Inspect the coat

When working with fur, it’s best to make sure it lies in the right direction. So you have to hold it up to the light and examine where the hair naturally falls.

For example, if you’re making a vest, the fur will most likely shed. It can also go a long way in brushing the fur to ensure it is dirt free.

  • Fur cutting

When preparing fur for your sewing projects, it is best to use a fur knife or hunting knife, this will reduce damage to the material and make the sewing process more manageable. But you can also use an incredibly sharp knife, although the cut will be less precise.

To cut the fur, you need to lay the garment fur side up on a smooth flat surface and mark the cut with chalk. Also note that having someone hold both sides of the coat while cutting increases your chances of a clean cut.

  • Fur collars

To make a fur collar, it is best to attach it with a 90 or 100 needle. Also, when sewing, keep the direction of the pile in mind and use about nine stitches per inch of material. achieve an ideal result.

I recommend hemming the seams by hand so they don’t fall apart when sewing on your machine. When sewing, you must also remove any loose hair from the coat and avoid pulling the stitches too tightly as this could cause puckering and loss of shape.

  • Cardboard

If you wish to sew two pieces of fur onto the same garment, it is best to have a piece of cardboard to help you with your project. So before you start sewing, insert it between the fur, press and keep the edges lighter, which will allow you to sew more accurately.

  • Deep heap

If you want to sew over deep pile fur, it’s best to leave about half an inch of pile for the seam. Also, when sewing seams, it is best to use a zipper foot and measure with a washable marker or chalk, as they will do the least damage to the fur.


First, you need to properly examine condition and adjust the leather before you start sewing it on the sewing machine for fur.

Arrange and trim the leather

  • Step 1

Figure out how you want the furs to go together before you sew them together. Next, inspect them with the fur up and then place them on a flat surface. You can adjust the furs to your liking or use their edges to determine which ones go well with each other.

Remember that fur varies in shape and size depending on the type of animal fur. For example, it is best to trim the fur of a coyote so that pieces of the tail and legs stick out from the body area. But it is better to cut beaver pelts into an oval shape.

Also, keep in mind that if you’re working with small furs like rabbit fur, it’s a lot. So make sure you are working on a large flat surface to spread them out. For example, you can use a large table or free up space on the floor.

  • Step 2

You should only sew fur over the skin, not the fur. To do this step, you need to turn them over so that the fur sides are facing down and the skins are facing up after the arrangement of how you want them to fit together. Then place the furs together so that the edges are aligned.

  • Step 3

If you trim some or all of the fur to create flat edges, it may be easier to sew them together. This will also make it easier to line up the edges of the skins.

However, be aware that it is best to avoid using scissors to cut through the skin of the fur, as you may inadvertently cut some of the fur. Instead, it would be best to cut through the sides of the leather using a rotary cutter or knife.

  • Step 4

Join the edges of the fur skins with small or large clips, simply snap them together to press the skins together about half an inch. However, remember that you should place this piece of skin on top of the fur, not the fur.

It is best to use staples to fasten the fur as they do not leave holes in the leather. Additionally, this would help ensure that the surfaces do not overlap to avoid damage.


  • Step 1

Leather needles have a wedge-shaped tip that allows them to pierce the skin faster than other types. To do this step, unscrew the old needle from the sewing machine while it is turned off to ensure your safety.

When the screw is sufficiently accessible, first remove the old needle. Then insert the blunt end of the new needle with the flat edge of the needle facing the back of your sewing machine. Remember that if you use a regular sewing machine, you can damage your furs, so it is best to get a specialized sewing machine. As I mentioned, it might also help if you used an 80/12 to 110/18 leather needle.

  • Step 2

All-purpose thread is usually strong enough for fur, but for ideal results it may be best to use a high strength thread. So look for a thread made for leather or denim to ensure it holds the furs together. Then thread the machine in the usual way.

  • Step 3

Set your sewing machine to seven to nine stitches per inch. However, if you’re not sure how to set the thread width on your sewing machine, it’s best to consult the manual to make sure you’re doing the right thing.

Also, it’s best to place pieces of ribbon on the pile and under the presser foot if you’re using a traditional sewing machine to prevent damage.

  • Step 4

Place the edges of the two flattened hides under the presser foot of the sewing machine, making sure no fur gets caught between the edges. Then sew the edges together and stitch one piece at a time until the end. Then cut off the excess thread after sewing.


For example, you will need a fur needle and a strong thread, and then use a whip stitch to sew the furs on sewing machine for fur together.

  • Step 1

The thickness of the skin on the coat varies, but all skins are very thick. So for hand sewing it is best to have a special needle, for example a special leather or fur needle.

  • Step 2

For sewing fur, it’s best to use a thicker thread like leather or denim to make sure it cuts through thick materials. Next, cut a piece of fiber about eighteen inches long. Then tie a knot at one end of the thread and thread the needle through the other.

Then you pull the thread through the eye of the needle until it hangs about six inches on one side and twelve inches on the other.

  • Step 3

Once the needle is ready, start sewing the two furs together, starting at one end of the furs and working your way across the other end. Next, pierce the needle through one side of the skin.

  • Step 4

Continue whipping over the entire item until you have sewn all the skins together. Then continue sewing by tying the new end of the thread to the strand you just tied. Finally, tie the last thread when you reach the goal of your craft.


The process of sewing fur on sewing machine for fur starts with the designer. His ideas about form, structure and color begin to find their realization in designs. The next step is the conversion of the pattern to pattern by the pattern maker, who must consider practical matters such as fit and workability. More than often they will make many muslin mockups of the garment. This will allow him to create an idea of ​​what the final product will look like and make the necessary changes.

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Dream Life in Paris

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